St Petersburg Ballet Theatre
Avdeeva Margarita
Margarita was born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
In 2010 she graduated with distinction from Tashkent State High School of National Dance and Choreography.
She worked at The State Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Alisher Navoi from 2009, and became a principal dancer in 2012.
She joined St Petersburg Ballet Theatre in 2016 and annually tours with the company all over the world.
Laureate of international competitions.
«Swan Lake» - Odette/Odille, Pas de Trois, Big Swans;
«The Nutcracker» - Mashenka;
«Giselle» - Giselle, Myrtha;
«Romeo and Juliet» - Juliet;
«Don Quixote» - Kitri, Mercedes, Queen of the Dryads, Flower girls, Gypsy dance.
«La Bayadere» - Grand Pas, Trio of Shadows;
«The Sleeping Beauty» - Lilac Fairy, The Fairy of Playfulness, The Fairy of Tenderness, Cinderella, The White cat;
«Spartacus» - Aegina;
«One Thousand and One Nights» - Nurida;
«Le Corsaire» - Gulnara;
«Gala» - The legend of love, Carmen, Pas de de Aubert, Tomiris-snake;
«Cipollino» - Radish.
Margarita was born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
In 2010 she graduated with distinction from Tashkent State High School of National Dance and Choreography.
She worked at The State Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Alisher Navoi from 2009, and became a principal dancer in 2012.
She joined St Petersburg Ballet Theatre in 2016 and annually tours with the company all over the world.
Laureate of international competitions.
«Swan Lake» - Odette/Odille, Pas de Trois, Big Swans;
«The Nutcracker» - Mashenka;
«Giselle» - Giselle, Myrtha;
«Romeo and Juliet» - Juliet;
«Don Quixote» - Kitri, Mercedes, Queen of the Dryads, Flower girls, Gypsy dance.
«La Bayadere» - Grand Pas, Trio of Shadows;
«The Sleeping Beauty» - Lilac Fairy, The Fairy of Playfulness, The Fairy of Tenderness, Cinderella, The White cat;
«Spartacus» - Aegina;
«One Thousand and One Nights» - Nurida;
«Le Corsaire» - Gulnara;
«Gala» - The legend of love, Carmen, Pas de de Aubert, Tomiris-snake;
«Cipollino» - Radish.
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St Petersburg Ballet Theatre
Live SPBT`s performance "Giselle" was filmed on 16th March 2007 on the spacious stage of the State Theatre – Pretoria during the second SPBT`s tour of South Africa. Later the same year it was released on DVD in ...