St Petersburg Ballet Theatre
Dmitry Lisenko our new First soloist who joined SPBT in September is continuing to thrill the UK audience and colleagues.
After his sensational appearance as Harlequin he has already danced the pas de trois in Swan Lake and Blue Bird in The Sleeping Beauty … And all of his appearances were stunning!
He is a truly great artist and has a magnetic personality. We look forward to seeing him as the Prince in The Nutcracker in January during the current tour of the UK.
After his sensational appearance as Harlequin he has already danced the pas de trois in Swan Lake and Blue Bird in The Sleeping Beauty … And all of his appearances were stunning!
He is a truly great artist and has a magnetic personality. We look forward to seeing him as the Prince in The Nutcracker in January during the current tour of the UK.
St Petersburg Ballet Theatre
Dear friends! We are pleased to announce our Swan Lake performance on 26.11.2022! Its will take place in St Petersburg at the CSC Arena accompanied by the orchestra. ⠀ We are waiting for the performance, tickets are already on sale.